Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Short Christmas Greeting

Mommy, Mommy, please, you have to let me talk to you.  I want you to tell everyone I am wishing them a  very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   I know that everyone is rushing to get their shopping, wrapping and baking all done, but remember the real meaning of Christmas.  Let's not forget that DOG spelled backward is GOD and his son is what Christmas is all about.  God and his Son watches over all of us and it is very important that we all give thanks and praise to our Prince of Peace.

Yes, Mommy, I also know Santa Clause.  If you could have put the video on my blog, I was telling you all about Santa, but unfortunately,  it didn't work.  He's a good guy and sneaks in every house with his spirit of good will for everyone.  I have literally seen Santa Clause, so if anyone tries to tell me there is no Santa, they do not know what they are talking about. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and it is filled with happiness.  I want to also wish everyone a Happy New Year too.  With all my love, Missy O'Shoot.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I'm A Morning Person...Ah Dog

I am a dog with an agenda.  Some people or animals like the morning, while others don't really wake up until later in the day.  I myself, am a morning animal.  I would say person because I am like a two-year old child, but I'll unfortunately stick to animal.

To give you an idea of my morning schedule, it starts about 6:30.  I lay in my bed, which is next to my mommy's bed, and I just stare at her and wait for her to open her eyes.  I have a sneaking feeling that there are times she is awake, but just won't open her eyes so I won't jump on her.  Yes, I have to confess that the second her eyes are open, I put my two front feet on the bed and she rubs my back, smiles and says "Good Morning Missy", which I love, and then I run and get Violet, my best friend, so we can share our exuberance with mommy.  I jump up on the bed, with Violet and make her squeak at least 50 times per minute, if not more.  Sometimes if my Mommy doesn't get out of bed right away, I help her a little bit by putting my nose on her back and push her a little bit or give a little "arf" so she will get up. 

Once my mommy makes her bed and takes the pillows out of the chair and put back on her bed, I do my duty and look out the window to make sure everything is fine out-in-the-world. After I have scoured the streets in front of our house and barked my head off at something out there, my mommy is usually doing her hair. I grab Violet and take her to my mommy and she will throw her for me to run after. That is so much fun.  Remember, I've had a full nights sleep, so I am full of energy.  When I get tired of chasing Violet, I just lay her down wherever I want to and Mommy will usually throw her back into my bed.  I do, however, put her back in my bed by myself sometimes, but that's usually at night.

After my mommy has eaten breakfast, she usually goes into the computer room and gets on the computer.  While she is doing that, my daddy takes me for my morning walk.  That is always fun and I get to hear and see my friends in the neighborhood.  I don't really like cats, so when I see one of those, I go ballistic.  When we get home I get one of those wonderful "treats" and then I am off to the computer room to let my mommy know that I'm home.  Then she picks me up, so I can have a good look at her and tell her of my adventures and then check out the computer for myself.

Once I have gotten all the love from my mommy, checked out the world for whatever is happening outside, gone on my walk and check out the computer, my next favorite thing to do in the morning is to go outside in the backyard and lay by the orange tree.  There is a spot of sun that I just have to lay in.  My mommy is figuring that I just know instinctively that I am getting Vitamin D from the sunshine and whatever else I think I need.  After I have laid there for a bit, I come back into the house and jump up on the chair to take my morning snooze...I've been busy.  The rest of the day is fine, but the majority of my energy is used up in the morning.  Have a good day everyone.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vacuum Cleaner vs Missy the Protector

See, see that big thing just sitting there waiting to eat me up.  From the picture, you can notice I have my eyes on the vacuum cleaner while I am protecting Mr. Bill (my newest toy that I love) from it's "sucking action".  Originally, I was down on the floor with my dear Mr. Bill and my mommy told me to pick him up and get him out of the way.  Instead of moving him, I was going to be the protector and I laid on top of him.  Of course my mom didn't have her camera out in the family room, so she told me to stay where I was, while she got her camera, but of course I didn't.  When we got back into the family room, I jumped up on the chair and mommy put Mr. Bill beside me.  I know, I didn't really do it myself and it would have been a great story if I was laying on top of him, so this story is mostly just telling about the picture, but trust me, if that vacuum cleaner had come too close to Mr. Bill, I would have gone into action and saved him.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

All in a Days Work




I know that my mommy is under a lot of stress because of Grandma, but I HATE for her to be gone so much of the time.  As you can see, before she leaves to go and see my Grandma, the couch looks great with the blanket on it, so I won't scratch the surface.  Then my mommy leaves and is gone for several hours and the result is the after picture.  Of course, this is not seen until my mommy gets home and then she is not really happy with me, but I miss her, I can't help it.  See, I pull the blanket down to where she sits.  That way, I can be in her spot, and be comfortable, plus it takes a little while to do this, so it keeps me busy.

On a good note though, she was very proud of me this morning. When she was getting ready for the day, she couldn't find my BFF, Violet.  She put her mouth into a BIG circle and said "OOOOH Missy, where in the world is Violet?" in a very inquisitive manner.  I looked at her and then quickly looked at my bed and around the room and could not see her.  I then looked at my mommy and she told me to go to the family room and see if Violet was out there.  My mommy told me that she couldn't believe that I was smart enough to leave the bedroom, go out in the family room, and bring Violet back into the bedroom.  Now, I'd like you to note that I actually did three things at once.  I could say something else, but I won't :-)  Anyway, when I brought Violet back into the bedroom my mommy clapped for me.  It made me feel so special that she was so proud of me.  She praised me up and down and told me I was so smart.

In closing, I think that maybe she should just take the blanket off the couch so I can't mess it up, but I have a feeling she's going to leave it on, so I will have something to do when she's gone.  Good thinking mom.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Walk With the Disciplinarian

I know I look so sweet here, but I must admit, I do have my moments.  My dad is out-of-town for a few days and as I sat on the chair in the family room, I wondered who was going to take me for my walk?  I know that's being a little selfish, since my mom has a hard time walking, but the thought still entered my doggie mind.

Well, low and behold, when my mom was all ready for the day, she came out and told me that she was going to take me for a walk.  I jumped off the chair and was so excited.  It was hard to hold still while she put my harness on, but she put me up on the dryer so I would sit still and once the harness was on, away we went.

When they talk about being on a "short leash" that is exactly what was happening.  This was her first mistake, but being the disciplinarian that she is, she was bound and determined that I was going to learn how to walk on a leash.  You see, when my dad takes me, he just lets me pull him, there's no talking, no telling me what to do, no nothing! I have been doing it "MY WAY" for almost three years.  We started down the driveway and made a left.  I live at one end of the block and she started going down to the other end.

One thing I must tell you all, I save up my "pee and sometimes poop"  (I know that's rather gross, but it's the truth) until I go for my walk.  Here again, another mistake on my mommy's part.  My dad let's me go wherever I want to.  If it's on somebody's yard, he doesn't care.  Sort of like how a man can pee anywhere he wants :-)  Anyway, nope, she wouldn't let me put one toe nail from my paw on someone's property.  Here's her mistake, since I had it all saved up, I couldn't hold it any longer and just went right there on the sidewalk, right next to her.  What could she do, I had to finish my job, so I did.  She just shook her head and told me that wasn't very nice.  Well, a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do.

After I finished with what I was doing, we proceeded to go down the block.  I sort of wondered how far this excursion was going to be, because of my mom's legs, but I just kept walking.  We got to the end of the block and she tells me that we are going to turn around and go back home.  My face must have looked like something in the cartoons..beyond shock..and I sat down and refused to move.  I'm trying to tell her that this IS NOT CORRECT.  I'm supposed to go all the way around the block.  Obviously, who do you think won this battle?  Uh huh, Mom.  She pulled on the leash and told me we are going home and maybe we can go a little farther tomorrow.

I guess I should appreciate the fact that she took me at all and I sure do hope we can go a little further tomorrow...thanks Mom.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Am Legal Now

Today is a big day in the life of humans and animals.  It's my BIRTHDAY and I am 3 years old, but better yet, in doggy years, I'm 21.  I know animals don't go out drinking to celebrate, but maybe my mommy, daddy or sisters might have something alcoholic today and they will let me have a "lick" of their fingers, just for a little "buzz".  Whatever, I've heard a thing called a "hangover" isn't very pleasant, so I will keep it to a minimum.

As you can see, I'm all dressed up in my "Birthday dress" and looking out the window to see if any of my friends are coming to see me.  I don't know if they know it's my birthday or not, but every time I see another human or dog or cat, I bark like crazy to let them know that they can come and see me.  Sadly, no one has come yet.  Oh well, I have my family to be with today and they are already treating me special with, of course, an extra yummy here and there.

I'll report at a later date on my birthday activities for the day, but until then, I love you all.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bits of Love

Well, here we go again with dressing up for certain occasions.  I don't think my Mommy has enough to do.  She got a post on Facebook telling her that there was a contest for Kibbles n Bits.  it said if you send them a picture or a video and people voted for the picture, in other words ME, I could win $5,000.00 and a years worth of Kibbles n Bits.  Holy smokes, I can't say I blame my mommy for entering ME in this contest.  You notice I capitalize myself, because I want to stand out.

I have to give my mommy a hug for doing this because she went out and bought me this adorable dress, made a crown for me (even though you can't see it too well) and bought the bag of Kibbles n Bits.  I really don't eat that food, but they did mix it with my other food and guess what?  I LIKE IT.

Anyway, back to the picture.  Before she could take this picture, she gave me a dreaded bath.  The woman tricks me.  She'll make me think that I get to go into the bathroom with her, and then she closes the door.  I begin to talk to her, but she told me I had to be beautiful before I could have my picture taken.  I'm pretty darn good about sitting still when she tells me to.  It took a few tries, but if I say so myself, it's not too bad.  I wish you could see the crown more though, it's very pretty.  Oh well.

I would like to ask all of you who are reading this to do me a favor.  If you go to the web site for Kibbles n Bits in 2 days, (it takes 48 hours to put the picture up) and vote for me, I would love you forever.  She might enter more of the pictures too, so keep looking and voting.

Thank you all so much and I send you much love.

Princess Missy