Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Am Legal Now

Today is a big day in the life of humans and animals.  It's my BIRTHDAY and I am 3 years old, but better yet, in doggy years, I'm 21.  I know animals don't go out drinking to celebrate, but maybe my mommy, daddy or sisters might have something alcoholic today and they will let me have a "lick" of their fingers, just for a little "buzz".  Whatever, I've heard a thing called a "hangover" isn't very pleasant, so I will keep it to a minimum.

As you can see, I'm all dressed up in my "Birthday dress" and looking out the window to see if any of my friends are coming to see me.  I don't know if they know it's my birthday or not, but every time I see another human or dog or cat, I bark like crazy to let them know that they can come and see me.  Sadly, no one has come yet.  Oh well, I have my family to be with today and they are already treating me special with, of course, an extra yummy here and there.

I'll report at a later date on my birthday activities for the day, but until then, I love you all.

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