Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Walk With the Disciplinarian

I know I look so sweet here, but I must admit, I do have my moments.  My dad is out-of-town for a few days and as I sat on the chair in the family room, I wondered who was going to take me for my walk?  I know that's being a little selfish, since my mom has a hard time walking, but the thought still entered my doggie mind.

Well, low and behold, when my mom was all ready for the day, she came out and told me that she was going to take me for a walk.  I jumped off the chair and was so excited.  It was hard to hold still while she put my harness on, but she put me up on the dryer so I would sit still and once the harness was on, away we went.

When they talk about being on a "short leash" that is exactly what was happening.  This was her first mistake, but being the disciplinarian that she is, she was bound and determined that I was going to learn how to walk on a leash.  You see, when my dad takes me, he just lets me pull him, there's no talking, no telling me what to do, no nothing! I have been doing it "MY WAY" for almost three years.  We started down the driveway and made a left.  I live at one end of the block and she started going down to the other end.

One thing I must tell you all, I save up my "pee and sometimes poop"  (I know that's rather gross, but it's the truth) until I go for my walk.  Here again, another mistake on my mommy's part.  My dad let's me go wherever I want to.  If it's on somebody's yard, he doesn't care.  Sort of like how a man can pee anywhere he wants :-)  Anyway, nope, she wouldn't let me put one toe nail from my paw on someone's property.  Here's her mistake, since I had it all saved up, I couldn't hold it any longer and just went right there on the sidewalk, right next to her.  What could she do, I had to finish my job, so I did.  She just shook her head and told me that wasn't very nice.  Well, a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do.

After I finished with what I was doing, we proceeded to go down the block.  I sort of wondered how far this excursion was going to be, because of my mom's legs, but I just kept walking.  We got to the end of the block and she tells me that we are going to turn around and go back home.  My face must have looked like something in the cartoons..beyond shock..and I sat down and refused to move.  I'm trying to tell her that this IS NOT CORRECT.  I'm supposed to go all the way around the block.  Obviously, who do you think won this battle?  Uh huh, Mom.  She pulled on the leash and told me we are going home and maybe we can go a little farther tomorrow.

I guess I should appreciate the fact that she took me at all and I sure do hope we can go a little further tomorrow...thanks Mom.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh! How funny! Missy, you've just got to learn who the real boss is!