Friday, February 19, 2016

This is the Last Straw

Can you see her, can you see her?  My precious Violet was taken away from me this morning.  I had been playing with her and my mommy, and then I got tired and decided to lay down and take a nap.  I swear, the minute your back is turned, something happens.  I had been sleeping and then woke up and noticed my Violet was missing.  I noticed that contraption you put dirty clothes in was gone too, so I jumped off the bed and went out of the bedroom and saw that thing by my mommy, who was on the computer.  I saw that she wasn't looking, or so I thought, and took Violet out and took her back into the bedroom and up on the bed.  Before I knew it, here comes Mommy into the bedroom and picks Violet up and tells me that she has to get a bath.  I was trying to get Violet out of her hand, but she wouldn't let go.  She said, "No, Missy, Violet needs a bath.  She is so dirty and it will be okay."  Well, I know all about baths and I know my violet might drown.  None of that mattered.  Out to the laundry room she went and I followed.  I almost panicked, but kept myself intact and just stared at my Violet, telling her, telepathically, that she will be okay and I will be here when she is done.  Now I know how my Mommy feels when she takes me to the groomers.  I know it's for the best, but I am still not a happy little doggy.  I have to wait for Violet to get dried and then I will be happy again.