Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday Night Fight

If you look very closely, you will see my green dinosaur and my Violet, thus her name, in my bed.  Last night I decided that my beloved dinosaur, which I actually picked out all by myself at Petsmart, was going to be with me all night. 

When it was time to go to bed, my Mommy said that all my toys that were laying on the rug needed to get into their basket, so they could go to sleep.  She stood there looking at me and telling me to put them into my bed.  I looked back at her as if to say "What are you, nuts?" and ignored her request.  Since I didn't budge, as usual, she did it herself.  The minute she put all my toys into the basket, I ran over there and took my dinosaur out and decided it was time to play.  She said "No, Missy, it's time to go to bed.  Let's put the toy back in the basket".  She took my toy and put it back and I instantly ran to the basket and got my toy in my mouth once again and took it over to the rug. I was still thinking play time even though I knew it was time for bed.  Now, I've heard stories of three chances and your out, but she continued to stay calm.  She took my toy once again and put it back in the basket.  This time I decided I was going to get my toy and make a run for it.  The second she put it back in my basket, I tore up behind her, grabbed the toy in my mouth and headed for the bedroom.  She gave up and I WON!!!!  She told me that it was okay if I wanted two toys in bed last night.  I was so happy and laid my head down and went right to sleep.  You know, if she would have just left the toys out on the floor, I would not have even thought about taking my buddy into bed.  I doubt if she will learn from this though.  Just leave them where they are.

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