Friday, July 8, 2011

Gingerly Walking to the Toy Basket

I haven't done very many exciting things lately, so my mommy hasn't written on my blog.  I decided it was about time to change this and make my mom's mouth drop wide open.  As I have mentioned before, she bought me a basket to put my toys in, and then I could get them out myself.  I usually get one or two out each morning and just leave them on the rug in the family room.  She has talked to me about putting my toys away at night, but to no avail.  Last night my mom was sitting on the couch, watching television, and she sees me walking gingerly out to the family room.  I had my favorite toy Violet in my mouth and walked over to the toy basket.  I dropped Violet right in the basket and left her there, laying with the other toys.  I looked at my mommy and her mouth had dropped open.  She said she could not believe that I actually brought my toy out and put it in the basket.  Violet had been in the bedroom all by herself and I thought maybe she was lonesome and being the good friend that I am to her, I brought her out to be with the other toys.  When it was time to go to bed, my mommy told me to get Violet out of the basket and bring her to bed, but I didn't want to.  I'm not sure why, but I thought maybe she would like to spend the night with the other toys.  Maybe I'm trying to give her up, like a child gives up their blanket.  Nevertheless,  my mom picked Violet up  because she was afraid I would be lonesome for Violet and brought her into the bedroom.  I usually have my paw on Violet when I fall asleep, so I know I'm safe.  I'm glad I made my mommy amazed at me and so happy.  Maybe if I bring Violet out again tonight and put her in the basket, my mom might get a hint.


Reflections....... said...


That is so cute and funny. If she does it again maybe one of us could video tape it when she does it. Or something. :)

Tracy said...

Way to go Missy! You are so smart.